(Autonomous), Mumbai
NAAC Re-Accredited with 'A' Grade

NAAC Re-Accredited with 'A' Grade
St. Xavier's Institute of Education (Autonomous), Mumbai is the oldest Government aided, Christian minority Teacher Education College for the course of B.Ed., affiliated to the University of Mumbai and recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education (N.C.T.E.). Besides, it has various courses and extension services for students, teachers and the society. St. Xavier's Institute of Education is a Christian minority College, established and administered by the Jesuit Mumbai Province of the Society of Jesus. The College is under the religious jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Mumbai. Jesuit education has a special character. It is inspired by the vision of man drawn from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ based on the principles of character formation elaborated by St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. The goals and aspirations of St. Xavier's Institute of Education are inspired by the lives and teachings of St. Francis Xavier and St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Fr. Dr. Arul John Bosco S J
Manager, SXIE
Dr. Andrea Coutinho
College Events & News
B.Ed. Phase-IV (Institute Level) Admitted List
Institute Round Merit List (PDF)
Institute Round Merit List (Excel Sheet)
Current Vacancy Report for Phase-III
Notice for Declaration of Semester II Result
RPT Examination Result Register
B.Ed Year 2024-2025 Allotment List (Phase-II)
B.Ed Admission Current Vacancy Report
B.Ed Year 2024-2025 Allotment List (Phase-I)
INVITATION to SXIE(A) Graduation Day 2023-2024
FY B. Ed. Semester II Term End Examination Time Table
NOTICE of SY B.Ed. Semester IV Batch 2022-2024 Results
S.Y.B.ED. Batch 2022-24 Semester IV Consolidated Results
S Y B.Ed. Sem IV Semester End Examination June 2024 Time Table
SXIE F.Y B.Ed. Sem I (Batch 2023-2025) Result : Notice
Inter Faith Dialogue - The Need and The Challenges
SXIE S.Y.B.Ed. Sem-III (Batch 2022-2024) Results
An Interactive Session with Fr. Dr. Michael Engh, S.J. Chancellor, Loyola Marymount University, USA
Semester III 2023-2024 Term End Examination Time Table
Semester I 2023-2024 Term End Examination Time Table
Certificate Course on eLearning Designing
Celebrating PlatinumJubilee @SXIE- 70GLORIOUS YEARS
Academic Handbook : Policies and Syllabus
SXIE Academic Handbook 2022-23
Academic Handbook : Policies and Syllabus
SXIE Academic Handbook 2023-24
Swayam Course - Initiated by Government of India